58 Klingner Rd, Redcliffe QLD 4020
(07) 3883 8999

Introducing Tahni Blewett | Senior Accountant

Introducing Tahni Blewett | Senior Accountant

Tahni had already acquired over 10 years’ experience in the Accounting and Taxation Industry prior to joining the Accountplan team this week. The last 5 years of this was spent operating her own accounting business at North Lakes.This experience has armed Tahni with an incredibly strong ability to relate to small business owners, this is from those just starting up right through to established businesses requiring guidance around structuring and tax planning. Tahni is a Registered Tax Agent, holds a Bachelor of Accounting and is a Member of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA).For a complimentary initial consultation please call our office on 07 3883 8999.


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