Online services for business is here!
You told the ATO they needed to improve their online services and they listened.
Online services for business is replacing the Business Portal and electronic superannuation audit tool (eSAT).
Providing a secure, modern channel to manage your tax and super obligations, this new service can be accessed on multiple devices, including a smart device like your phone or tablet at a time that is convenient to you. With the new service you can:
- make a payment plan
- get copies of income tax returns
- view your communication history
- use the ‘Switch ABN’ to move between your businesses with a single login.
Made with you, for you, the ATO’s new system is in public beta testing which means they want to hear your feedback. Complete the ‘Give us your feedback’ form located at the bottom of every page.
“Switch ABN function is fantastic, saving lot of time in log in and log out to use various group entities” – private beta user.
Accessing Online services for business
Head to Online services for business and log in using your myGovID.
If you’re new to the ATO’s online services, you will need to set up your myGovID and link it to your business using Relationship Authorisation Manager.
Online services for business is live, so any changes or lodgments you make will update your records with the ATO.
The ATO understand many businesses are still impacted by the events of 2020 and they will continue to support you through this time of change. While you transition to Online services for business the Business Portal and eSAT are available until they are decommissioned later this year.
Source: ATO