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Tag: ATO

Tips to Help You Stay on Top of Your BAS

The due date for your October–December business activity statement (BAS) is around the corner. We know small businesses are busy, so we want to help you get your BAS right. Here are some tips to help you before you lodge. Source: ATO

Master Your Employer Obligations in 2025

Start the year on the right foot and be ready for these key dates. If you employ staff, here are the important dates and obligations to remember throughout the year, to set yourself up for success. Super Guarantee (SG) Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) 31 March 2025 marks the end of the 2024–25 FBT year. There are…
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myGovID is Now Called myID

The Australian Government’s Digital ID app myGovID is now called myID. The Australian Government’s Digital ID app myGovID is now called myID. The updated app is being rolled out in app stores from 13–17 November 2024. During this time, you might see both myID and myGovID when using your app to log in to participating…
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We Can Help With Your Tax Debt

The ATO continues to become increasingly aggressive in it’s debt collection activities, as an example, in the 8 months to 31st March they disclosed over 31000 business tax debts to Credit Reporting agencies. This disclosure can have a devastating effect on a business: Accountplan has access to a range of lenders who happily assist businesses…
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Varying Your PAYG Instalments

Find out about reviewing your pay as you go (PAYG) instalments to reflect your expected end-of-year tax. If you’re a pay as you go (PAYG) instalment amount payer, your instalments have been increased by the gross domestic product (GDP) adjustment factor. For the 2024–25 income year, the GDP adjustment factor is 6%. We’ll use the…
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myGovID is Changing its Name to myID

Soon, myGovID will have a new name and new look – but you’ll continue to use it in the same way. The change from myGovID to myID, aims to reduce the confusion between the myGovID app and myGov. myID reflects the community’s understanding of Digital ID and demonstrates how a whole-of-government ID provider can help…
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Trusts – Registering and Reporting for Tax

The trustee must manage the trust’s tax affairs including registering and reporting for tax. Trustees and beneficiaries The trustee is responsible for managing the trust’s tax affairs, including registering the trust in the tax system, lodging trust tax returns and paying some tax liabilities. The beneficiaries include their share of the trust’s net income in their tax returns and…
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Trusts, Trustees and Beneficiaries

An overview of the role of trusts, trustees and beneficiaries. Trusts Trusts are widely used for investment and business purposes. A trust is an obligation imposed on a person or other entity to hold property for the benefit of beneficiaries. While in legal terms a trust is a relationship not a legal entity, trusts are…
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Changing, Pausing, Closing, Selling, or Winding Up a Business

Find out what you need to do when you plan to change, pause, sell or close your business. If you are changing, pausing, closing, selling or winding up a business, you should: If you registered a business but haven’t started If you have registered a business but didn’t start the business, and have now decided…
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Registration Obligations For Businesses

If you’re in business, you may need an Australian business number (ABN) and to register for tax and super obligations. If you’re starting a new business, you may need an Australian business number (ABN). Not everyone is entitled to an ABN, so the registration process will ask specific questions to determine your entitlement to an…
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Are You in Business?

Work out whether you’re in business and when your business starts for tax purposes. What is a business? Generally, a business involves a set of continuous and repeated activities you do for the purpose of making a profit. Profit can be in money, but it can also be made through other means, like being paid…
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Noticed the myGovID Login Screen Looks Different?

The myGovID login screen has been updated to improve your experience when accessing government online services. The next time you access government online services like Online services for business, Access Manager or Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM), you’ll notice some changes to the myGovID login screen. These changes improve and modernise the login experience but do…
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Keep Your Super Obligations on Track

If you missed the latest SG due date, you need to get your super obligations back on track and lodge an SGC statement. Employers play a critical role in ensuring the future financial security of employees through paying Super Guarantee (SG) contributions to the right fund and at the correct rate. The most recent due…
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How do Tax Deductions Work in Australia?

During the year, you may have to pay some expenses for work purposes. When the end of the financial year comes, you’re entitled to claim these expenses as tax deductions. This will help you lower the total amount of taxable income and the amount of tax you have to pay. In Australia, the Australian Taxation…
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Avoid Common Errors When Lodging Your 2024 Annual Return

The ATO have now released the 2024 SMSF annual return and instructions, when lodging avoid these common errors. The SMSF annual return is more than a tax return. You are required to report regulatory information for your SMSF, member contributions and pay the SMSF supervisory levy. The SMSF annual return and SMSF annual return instructions for 2024 are now…
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Using Business Money and Assets

This information will help you if you are involved in running a business through a company or a trust and you are receiving financial or other benefits through the business. Key Points How to Record and Report the Use of Business Money or Assets There are different ways to take or use money or assets…
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Travel Expenses

This information will help you if you are a small business owner claiming a deduction for expenses you incur when travelling for your business. Key Points Types of Expenses As the owner of a small business, you can claim a deduction for expenses that you incur when you travel for your business. Common expenses include:…
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Stay on Top of Your Employer Obligations

Avoid penalties and interest. The ATO are here to help you meet your tax and super obligations as an employer. Their resources can help you with: It’s important to stay on top of your reporting, lodgment and payment due dates. If you don’t, it could cost you more money in penalties and interest. Source: ATO…
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Final Pay and Superannuation for Employees

Find out information on your employees final pay and superannuation when you close a business. When you Close or Sell Your Business Your business must continue to meet its obligations until it is either closed or sold to the new owners. If you are an employer, it is important for you to consider finalising important tax…
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Consider the Costs, Time and Skills

As a trustee you need to have time and skills to set up an SMSF. You need to have the time and skills to manage your Self managed super fund, and there are ongoing running costs. As a trustee of an SMSF you’ll be responsible for operating your fund within the law. If you don’t,…
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Upcoming Changes in the Small Business Super Clearing House

What to do if you receive an error message in the Small Business Super Clearing House. On the 15th of March the ATO’s Small Business Super Clearing House (SBSCH) will roll out self-managed super funds (SMSF) bank account validation. This checks that your employee’s SMSF bank account details match their SMSF records. If there is a mismatch,…
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Is Your Business Eligible for Concessions?

As a small business owner, you may be eligible for concessions on the amount of tax you pay. This depends on your business structure, your industry and your annual turnover. If you have an aggregated turnover less than:  Check your eligibility each year before you apply for a concession. You’ll generally need to keep records…
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How Fringe Benefits Tax Works

An overview of FBT. Find out how FBT applies, what you need to do as an employer, and what deductions you can claim. What is fringe benefits tax? Fringe benefits tax (FBT) is a tax paid by employers on certain benefits provided to their employees, or to their employees’ family or other associates. FBT is…
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Individual Income Tax Rates and Threshold Changes

Changes to Individual income tax rates and thresholds from 1 July 2024. On 25 January 2024, the government announced proposed changes to Individual income tax rates and thresholds from 1 July 2024. These changes are not yet law. From 1 July 2024, the proposed tax cuts will: For more information see Tax cuts to help with the cost of…
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From 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022

Check fuel tax credit rates from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. Fuel tax credit rates The following tables contain the fuel tax credit rates for businesses from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. The fuel tax credit calculator includes the latest rates and is simple, quick and easy to use. You can use it to…
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What is Capital Gains Tax?

How capital gains tax (CGT) works, and how you report and pay tax on capital gains when you sell assets. Capital gains tax (CGT) is the tax you pay on profits from disposing of assets including investments, such as property, shares and crypto assets. Although it is referred to as ‘capital gains tax’, it’s part of your…
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Lost or Stolen TFN

Find your tax file number online with ATO online services. Tell the ATO as soon as possible if your TFN is stolen or misused. Find your TFN online You will need your tax file number (TFN) when: If you already have a TFN and don’t remember the number, you can find it online in ATO online…
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What is Super

If you’re new to Australia’s superannuation system for retirement saving, find out how it works and how to benefit. Super is an Investment in Your Future Australia’s superannuation system is the main way most people save for their retirement. Superannuation (super for short) is a long-term investment that grows over time. The more you contribute…
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Tax Support For Businesses and Not For Profits

How to get help if your business or not for profit can’t pay tax or super on time. When can you access help? If your business is having financial difficulties and can’t pay tax or super on time, support is available. Financial difficulties can occur from many situations, including: Support for your situation Depending on…
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A Beginners Guide to Income Tax

Australian residents are subject to income tax from their domestic and foreign income.  There may be exceptions for temporary residents and temporary residents who earn foreign income. Non-residents are liable for Australian income tax on their assessable income derived from Australian sources. Understanding Income Tax  When an individual earns money, they have to pay income…
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What Is a Tax File Number?

Find out why you need a TFN, where to find it and how to keep your TFN and personal details safe. About your TFN A tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and superannuation systems. It is free to apply for a TFN. Your TFN is: Where to find your TFN If you…
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Before You Start a Business

Tax, super and registration obligations you need to consider before you start a business. Are you in business? Before you register for an Australian business number (ABN), it is important you determine if you are in business and when your business starts. Knowing if you’re in business helps you know what records you need to keep, and…
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Holiday Homes

Find out about deductions and tax implications if you own a holiday home. Holiday Home – Not Rented Out If you own a holiday home and don’t rent out the property, you don’t include anything in your tax return until you sell it. When you sell the property, you will need to calculate your capital gain…
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Fixing BAS Mistakes or Making Adjustments

What to do if you need to fix a mistake in a previously lodged BAS or make an adjustment for a change. What are mistakes or adjustments Correcting a mistake made in an earlier business activity statement (BAS) is different to making an adjustment: When to fix a mistake Examples of mistakes you may have…
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Client-to-Agent Linking Steps

These steps help businesses use online services to nominate an agent. About client-to-agent linking steps Businesses can use the ATO’s online services to nominate an agent. These steps are for clients who need to nominate an agent. You only need to do this when you: Contact the ATO or your registered agent if you need guidance. Your…
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Beware of SMSF Promoter Schemes

The sole purpose of a self-managed super fund (SMSF) is to save up for your retirement savings. There are people promoting early access schemes which are illegal and could cost you more than your retirement savings. Be on the lookout for dodgy advice, don’t take up any offers without first checking if they are legal and learn…
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Not Entitled to Medicare Benefits

Find out about claiming an exemption from paying the Medicare levy if you were not entitled to Medicare benefits. 2023 Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) processing delay If you applied to Services Australia for a 2023 MES and you’re waiting for it to be processed, you should still lodge your tax return by the due date.…
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Prohibited SMSF Loans

Loans to members continues to be the highest reported contravention of the superannuation laws that we see in auditor contravention reports (ACR) lodged by self-managed super fund (SMSF) auditors. These loans comprised 16% of all reported breaches for the 2019 to 2022 audit years. It’s important to remember SMSF trustees cannot loan money or provide other…
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Winding Up Your SMSF

If you find yourself in a position where you want or need to wind up your SMSF there are a number of key considerations and tasks involved. Before lodging your final SMSF return you need to dispose of assets and pay out (where a condition of release has been met) or rollover all member benefits (leaving an appropriate amount…
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Update Your ABN Details

When was the last time you checked your Australian business number (ABN) details on the Australian Business Register (ABR)? If you’re not sure, it’s time to check your details are up to date. Emergency services and government agencies use ABN details to identify businesses in areas affected by emergencies, so it’s important to check your…
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Do You Know Your FBTs?

Attracting and retaining good staff is essential for your business. If you’ve given your employees perks and benefits such as car parking or gym memberships, you should consider the FBT implications. These extras can be a great bonus on top of salary and wages – but they can attract an FBT liability. What kinds of…
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Quarterly TBAR Lodgment Reminder

Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) must report certain events that affect members transfer balance account (TBA) quarterly using transfer balance account reporting (TBAR). These events must be reported even if the member’s total superannuation balance is less than $1 million. You must report and lodge within 28 days after the end of the quarter in which the event…
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Business Losses vs Non-Commercial Losses

If you’re in business, it’s important to know the difference between business losses and non-commercial losses. When it comes to business losses, you generally make a business tax loss when the total deductions you can claim for an income year exceed the total of your assessable and net exempt income for the year. If your business makes a…
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Business Income: It’s Not Just Cash

Clothing, jewellery, gaming products, flights and crypto assets are just some of the things you might have to account for in your tax return as part of your business income. If you received these or any other non-cash benefits instead of money for your goods or services, or as a tip or gift – you must…
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PAYG Instalments for Business and Investment Income

Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments are regular prepayments of tax on your business and investment income. By paying regular instalments throughout the year, you should not have a large tax bill when you lodge your tax return. PAYG instalments are reassessed after you lodge your tax return. If you have higher or lower business and…
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Too Many Businesses Roll the Dice on Tax Debt

Profitable companies that choose to relegate their tax and super obligations will be a focus of the ATO’s crackdown on collectable debt, Commissioner says. Too many businesses “roll the dice” on tax liabilities and treat them like a free loan, ATO Commissioner Chris Jordan says. He said small business owed more than its share of…
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Get Your Rental Right This Tax Time

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is reminding rental property owners and their tax agents to take care when lodging their tax return this tax time. ATO Assistant Commissioner Tim Loh explained that the ATO’s review of income tax returns show 9 in 10 rental property owners are getting their return wrong. ‘Landlords and their registered tax agents…
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Urgent Message: Escalation in Tax Office Penalties

The Pandemic saw the ATO take a much softer stance across a number of fronts: Since the pandemic has passed we had seen, until now, a gradual return by the ATO to situation normal. In recent weeks we have however seen the ATO take a far more aggressive approach – particularly with regard to PAYG…
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ATO: Need a Helping Hand this Tax Time?

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is continuing to provide dedicated support to taxpayers this tax time. Assistant Commissioner Tim Loh acknowledged that for some, tax can seem overwhelming. ‘The ATO is here to help with the support you need to get it right this tax time.’ Tax Help The Tax Help program is a free…
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Are You a Super Expert?

The ATO have released a series of videos to help you understand your super obligations as an employer. As a small business employer, you can find out about: Remember, registered tax and BAS agents can help you with your tax and super. Source: ATO Welcome to Accountplan, proudly assisting the community in Redcliffe and surrounds…
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Scam Alerts

Find information and examples on the latest tax and super-related ATO impersonation scams. Scam advice Be wary of emails, phone calls and text messages claiming to be from the ATO. If you think a phone call, SMS, voicemail, email or interaction on social media claiming to be from the ATO is not genuine, do not…
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Did You Miss the Super Guarantee Due Date?

Super guarantee contributions for the quarter ending 30 June were due to eligible workers by 28 July. If you missed the due date, didn’t pay the right amount, or didn’t pay to the right super fund, you’ll need to: The SGC statement can help you calculate the SGC. If you don’t lodge your SGC statement by the…
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Claiming the R&D Tax Incentive this Tax Time

Consider these key points about the R&D tax incentive before you lodge your company tax return this year. If you engage in research and development (R&D) activities and are eligible for the R&D tax incentive, you must lodge an R&D tax incentive schedule when you lodge your company tax return. Before lodging your 2023 company tax return and the…
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Top Tips For Sole Traders

Tax time for a sole trader can be stressful, however with a little planning you don’t need to dread doing your tax return. Take Benzi for example. Benzi is a self-employed professional tiler whose total gross business income is $82,000 per annum. Benzi knows that he’ll have a tax bill at the end of the…
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Your Guide For Claiming Business Expenses

You can claim tax deductions for expenses you incur while running your business if they’re directly related to earning business income (also known as assessable income). Take Rubi for example. Rubi is a sole trader who works as an IT consultant. As part of her work, she travels to deliver seminars and workshops. Rubi follows…
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Appointing an SMSF Auditor

You need to appoint an approved self-managed super fund (SMSF) auditor for each income year, no later than 45 days before you need to lodge your SMSF annual return (SAR). Your SMSF’s audit must be finalised before you lodge, as you’ll need some information from the audit report to complete the SAR. You must ensure the correct auditor details…
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Did You Engage in Research and Development Activities Last Year?

If your business conducted research and development (R&D) activities, you may be eligible to claim a tax offset under the R&D tax incentive. If you’re eligible, you can claim the R&D tax incentive by completing the R&D tax incentive schedule and lodging it with your company tax return. See the R&D schedule instructions for information on how to complete the schedule. You…
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ATO: Paying Super Guarantee Late

“Hi, I’m Rebecca, director for Superannuation and Employer Obligations at the ATO. We understand that as employers you play a vital role in Australia’s tax and super system, and paying super is a very important responsibility. It’s important that you make super contributions for your eligible employees and contractors on time, in full and to…
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Super for Employers

As an employer you play a vital role in Australia’s superannuation system. But being an employer also means you have superannuation obligations you need to meet. So let’s walk through these super obligations so you can avoid additional paperwork, charges or penalties. When hiring a new employee, you must offer them a choice of super…
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Your Guide To Tax Time

The tax time toolkit for 2023 is now live, with updated links to useful information, tools, calculators, learning resources and other support and services. This toolkit is your one-stop shop for help during tax time and throughout the year. You’ll also find updated fact sheets on: In addition, there is expense-related information for primary producers on: If…
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Get Ready For Your TPAR

With the new financial year upon us, it’s time to check if your business needs to lodge a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) for payments made to contractors providing the following services: TPARs are due on 28 August each year and penalties may apply if they’re not lodged on time. You can help prepare for your…
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Capital Gains Tax

Certain capital losses, disposals and small business CGT concession claims attract the ATO’s attention. Capital Losses Situations that attract the ATO’s attention include: Capital Gains Tax – Disposal Situations that attract the ATO’s attention include: Small business CGT concessions The ATO want to ensure entities genuinely meet the eligibility criteria when claiming small business CGT concessions.…
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Work Related Travel Expenses and Deductions

If you are required to travel as part of your job, then you likely incur various costs. Whether making a short trip to attend a meeting or taking an overseas trip for an extended period, you can deduct your travel expenses. However, the laws surrounding travel expenses are complicated, and the Australia Taxation Office (ATO)…
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Offsets and Rebates for Businesses

Find out about tax offsets (or rebates) available to eligible businesses. About tax offsets Tax offsets (also referred to as rebates) directly reduce the amount of tax payable on your taxable income. Offsets can reduce your tax payable to zero but can’t get you a refund unless they are refundable tax offsets. Small business income…
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Finding it Hard to Meet Your Tax Obligations?

The Commonwealth penalty unit amount increased to $313 on 1 July for infringements occurring on or after that date. Failure to meet a tax obligation, such as not lodging on time, may result in a penalty. The ATO understands there may be occasions when businesses experience financial difficulties and can’t pay on time. Even if you can’t pay,…
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ATO: Helping Employers Get It Right This Tax Time

As tax time approaches, you should start preparing to meet your annual tax and super obligations. We’ve kick-started the process by pulling together a list of key hints to help you keep on top of things: Check out the various resources and tools available for employers on our website. Remember, registered tax agents can help you with…
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Excessive Claims for Holiday Homes in the ATO’s Firing Line

The ATO will be closely scrutinising deductions claimed for short-term rental properties. In this year’s federal budget, the government announced a huge injection of funding for the ATO to expand the scope of its personal tax compliance program to address emerging areas of risk. The government’s announcement makes it clear that one of these emerging…
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ATO: Get Ready For Tax Time

As we head towards the end of another financial year, here are some things you can do to prepare for tax time. Before 30 June, check if there are any tax-deductible items your business may need, or any concessions you can access. You could be eligible for simplified depreciation rules, the small business income tax offset, immediate…
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ATO: Important Information 2023

The following provides important information and instructions to complete and lodge your tax return. Who can complete your tax return? You can get someone else to complete your tax return for you: Whoever helps you: Lodge your tax return by 31 October 2023 If you’re lodging your own tax return, you need to lodge it…
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ATO Lodgment Penalty Amnesty Program

As part of the 2023–24 Budget, the government announced a lodgment penalty amnesty program for small businesses. For lodgments eligible for the amnesty, failure to lodge (FTL) penalties will be remitted, without the need for you to apply. You might see an FTL penalty on your account for a period of time, but we will remit it.…
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Super Health Check

Use this checklist to review the health of your super in 5 easy steps. Why you should review your super Your super is one of the biggest assets you’ll accumulate in your lifetime. However, many Australians think they don’t need to worry about their super until retirement. Some don’t think about it at all. It’s…
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Be Cyber Safe This EOFY

Cyber criminals will be hunting more than just money this end of financial year (EOFY) – remember to keep your guard up. As Australia approaches the EOFY, brokers, individuals, organisations and their employees should stay alert to phishing, smishing (SMS phishing) and vishing (phone call phishing) scams. Cyber criminals attempt to take advantage of this…
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Supporting Your Small Business

Tax time essentials, learning resources, tools and services to support small business. Tax time essentials The ATO offer a range of tools and services to make it easier for you to get your tax and superannuation right. They want to help you manage and grow your business and get back on track if you need…
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Is Your Content Creating You Income?

Posting make-up tutorials to social media? Writing for a blog or streaming gaming for others to see? Congratulations, you’re a content creator! If you start making money from your online content, you’ll have income to declare, and you’ll need to consider whether you’re in business. If you are, or you want to start your own business, it’s…
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You Have Options To Resolve Your Dispute

If you disagree with a decision the ATO have made about your tax affairs, you may be able to use one of their free options for resolving disputes. You can use their in-house facilitation service for tax and super matters at any stage from audit up to litigation, where appropriate. It’s a free mediation service where an independent accredited ATO…
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How You Can Help Employees With A Study Loan

Don’t let rising indexation on study and training loans catch you or your employees unaware. Earn that ‘World’s greatest boss’ mug by informing and advising your employees of the following key points. The compulsory repayment threshold for the 2022–23 financial year is $48,361. If you have employees with a study loan who earn more than…
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April 2023 Newsletter

Download a copy of our April Newsletter… Welcome to Accountplan, proudly assisting the community in Redcliffe and surrounds for almost 40yrs with: – an experienced team of Accountants providing Tax & Business Advisory services– Bookkeepers to help you with BAS, IAS & Payroll– Financial Planning advice around Wealth Creation, Super & Aged Care Strategies– Mortgage…
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It’s 2023 Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Time!

If you’ve provided fringe benefits to your employees or their associates between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023, it’s now time to lodge and pay your 2023 fringe benefits tax (FBT) returns. Make sure you note the following in your calendars: While it’s important to lodge and pay on time, we understand there may be circumstances…
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Lodging Your SAR Through Your Tax Professional?

If you registered your self-managed super fund (SMSF) during the 2022 income year and you have a tax professional, your SMSF annual return (SAR) was due on 28 February 2023. If your return has not been lodged, you should do so immediately to avoid penalties. If you registered your SMSF prior to the 2022 income year…
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Taking Care Of Small Business

Have you ever wanted to help deliver the tax system of the future for small business? If so, our Small Business Stewardship Group (SBSG) might be for you. The SBSG is a part of our commitment to consultation. We aim to co-design our administration of the tax and super systems in partnership with those across…
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Does Personal Services Income Apply To You?

If over half the income you’ve received from a contract is a reward for your personal efforts or skills (rather than from the use of assets, the sale of goods, or from a business structure), then your income is classified as personal services income (PSI). You can receive PSI in almost any industry, trade or…
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4 Tips To Help Nail Your Record Keeping

Good record keeping helps you manage your business and cash flow, and ensures you get the right outcome with your tax return. Check you’re setting yourself up for success with these top 4 tips:  Remember, registered tax agents can help advise you on your record keeping requirements. Source: ATO Welcome to Accountplan, proudly assisting the community…
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Pre-June 30 Vehicle & Equipment Finance

The ATO’s generous Instant Asset Write-Off comes to an end as at the 30th of June this year. So there may not be a better opportunity for those who are self-employed to buy vehicles or equipment for their business than there is right now. Accountplan has a large number of lenders on our Vehicle &…
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Lodging Your FBT Return And Paying

How to lodge an FBT return, the due date for lodging and paying, and what to do if you pay by quarterly instalments. Do you need to lodge a return? You must lodge a fringe benefits tax (FBT) return if, for the FBT year (1 April to 31 March), you either: If you paid FBT instalments and…
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Check Your myGov Account For Your Share Of $16 Billion In Lost And Unclaimed Super

There is $16 billion in lost and unclaimed super across Australia, new data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reveals. This is an increase of $2.1 billion since last financial year and the ATO is urging Australians to check their account to see if some of the money is theirs. Deputy Commissioner Emma Rosenzweig said finding lost…
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Most Taxpayers ‘Will Be In The Dark’ About WFH Changes

The ATO should have postponed its revisions to the work-from-home claims  regime until next financial year, says H&R Block. Most taxpayers will fail to notice the ATO publicity campaign about changes to work-from-home deductions and will learn about them when they do their tax return after July, says the director of tax communications at H&R…
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What You Need To Know About Varying PAYG Instalments

Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments allow you to make regular prepayments of tax on your business and investment income throughout the financial year. Paying the right PAYG instalments can help you maintain a healthy cash flow and avoid a large tax bill when you lodge your tax return. If you think your current PAYG instalments…
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Do You Need To Vary PAYG Instalments?

Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments allow you to make regular prepayments of tax on your business and investment income throughout the financial year. Paying the right PAYG instalments can help you manage a healthy cash flow and avoid a large tax bill when you lodge your tax return. If you think your current PAYG instalments…
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Concessions For Your Small Business

We’re here to provide you with information to help you identify concessions you might be eligible for. There are many types of concessions available. The ones you can qualify for will depend on factors such as your company structure, the industry you’re in and your annual turnover. There’s lots to know about small business concessions; but…
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Verify Or Report A Scam

Check or report an ATO impersonation scam and get to know some warning signs of phone, email and SMS tax scams. Verify a scam Scams trick you into paying money or giving out your personal information. Scammers often pretend to be from trusted organisations like the ATO. We will sometimes contact you by phone, email,…
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Received A Business Support Grant?

You may have received a business support grant recently to help your business through tough times. Remember, when it comes to tax time, it’s important to check if you need to include the payment in your assessable income. Grants are generally treated as assessable income. However, some grants are formally declared non-assessable non-exempt (NANE) income.…
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Illegal Early Access To Super

When running your self-managed super fund (SMSF) it’s important to know that accessing your super can be illegal at times. You should also be wary of people, known as ‘promoters’ who want to help you set up an SMSF for the purpose of illegally accessing your super. As a trustee of a SMSF it is…
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What And When To Report

What events self-managed super funds (SMSFs) must report by certain dates and what happens if reporting is late. Events you need to report An SMSF must report events that affect a member’s transfer balance account. Common events are: Where the death benefit income stream is paid to a reversionary beneficiary, the start date will be…
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Do You Have Employees?

There are some extra things you need to do if your business has employees (even if they are family). TFN declaration On the first day a worker starts working for you, you should ask them to complete a Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092). They don’t have to tell you their TFN, but if they don’t, you…
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Finding It Hard To Meet Your Tax Obligations?

The Commonwealth penalty unit amount will increase to $275 from 1 January 2023 for infringements on or after that date. Failure to meet a tax obligation, like not lodging on time, may result in a penalty being applied. We understand there may be occasions when businesses experience financial difficulties and can’t pay on time. Even if you can’t…
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Missed The Director ID Deadline?

Read our questions and answers about director ID to find out, what to do if you’ve missed the deadline, more about who needs one, and how you can get it. I’ve missed the 30 November deadline, what now? If you missed the deadline, you can still apply for your director ID. We’re taking a reasonable approach…
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Almost 800k Directors Could Miss ID Deadline

Latest figures suggest almost one-third of company directors will fail to apply by the November 30 cutoff. Almost 800,000 directors will miss the November 30 deadline to apply for an ID number with just 1.5 million out of the 2.5 million eligible in the system, according to figures supplied by the ATO this week. The…
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Hiring Holidays Employees? Be Aware of Changes to Super

If you hire staff on a short-term or occasional basis, you need to be aware of recent changes to super guarantee (SG). The changes mean more of your employees may be eligible for super. The changes started on 1 July 2022. You need to pay super for employees at a rate of 10.5%, regardless of how…
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Crypto Asset Investments and Tax

Find out about managing your tax when you buy, sell or invest in crypto assets. Tax responsibilities Crypto assets (crypto) are a digital representation of value that you can transfer, store or trade electronically. This also includes non-fungible tokens (NFTs). When you buy, sell, or dispose of crypto assets in any other way, you have tax…
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Important Changes to Fuel Tax Credits

If you claim fuel tax credits, multiple rates may apply to your business activity statement (BAS) that is due in October, depending on when you acquired the fuel. Changes to fuel tax credits occurred on 30 March, 1 July (biodiesel only),1 August, and 29 September 2022. Fuel tax credit rates change regularly. The easiest way to ensure you are using…
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