Varying Your PAYG Instalments

Find out about reviewing your pay as you go (PAYG) instalments to reflect your expected end-of-year tax.
If you’re a pay as you go (PAYG) instalment amount payer, your instalments have been increased by the gross domestic product (GDP) adjustment factor. For the 2024–25 income year, the GDP adjustment factor is 6%.
We’ll use the latest information you’ve provided to us when you lodge your SMSF annual return (SAR) to calculate your new PAYG instalments amount or rate.
You can vary your PAYG instalments if you think your current instalments will be more or less than your expected tax liability for the year. Your varied amount or rate will apply for the remainder of your income year or until you make another variation. You can lodge your variation through Online services for business.
We encourage you to review your tax position regularly, so that your PAYG instalments reflect your expected tax for the year. Calculating and paying the right PAYG instalments will help you manage SMSF investments.
Contact a registered tax agent if you need help or tax advice.
Source: ATO